
Time For Etsy - Delineate Gallery

Time For Etsy is a weekly series with tips and suggestions to help you find time for managing your Etsy business. It features Etsy sellers and a time saving tip they use when running their Etsy business. If you are an Etsy seller and wish to be featured please click the Get Feature link above.

City Bridge Acrylic Painting - Original Art Paintings, Home Decor, For Home, Urban City Art, Wall Painting, Color Wall ArtI'm Ellie, a 25 year artist from Brisbane Australia and I love to paint. I have an online Etsy store 'Delineate Gallery' where I sell original paintings, art prints, ACEO's and handmade greeting cards. I tend to paint landscapes, animals and nature because this is what interests me the most. My style is bright, realistic and contemporary.

Etsy Time Saving Tip

Original Kayak Painting - Acrylic Beach Art - Rainbow Kayak on Sand Dunes - Canvas Painting - Bright Orange, Lime GreenWhen photographing my items, I tend to photograph them in bulk and only list one or two each day, rather than taking photos each time I finish a painting. This also helps me to have a backlog of items, so if I ever get sick or too busy to paint I always have something to list.

Other Time Saving Tip

I get up early in the morning to work on my art and Etsy shop until the early evening. That gives me the time for the other aspects to life: exercise, making dinner, relaxation time and spending time with my pets.

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